Ngeometric and wave optics pdf

Longitudal waves are those in which the displacement of the mediumor eld is in the direction of the wave. Fortunately, certain defects can be tolerated in a particular application, if the produced images. In this module, you will learn about one of the two main divisions of basic opticsgeometrical ray optics. Knowing this, however, is not the same as knowing everything about eyes and telescopes. Second harmonic generation of a gaussian beam wave optics. We investigate the wave optics in the schwarzschild spacetime. A paraxial ray analysis is performed to find the selfconsistency condition to have. Geometrical optics can be treated as the limiting case of wave optics when size of obstacle is very much large as compared to wavelength of light under such conditions the wave nature of light can be ignored and light can be assumed to be travelling in straight line rectilinear propagation. Ray optics is based on rectilinear propagation of light, and deals with mirrors, lenses, reflection, refraction, etc.

Recall that a wave front is a locus of points along which all. The wave packet picture of photons introduced in section 5 of chapter 19 is compatible with treating light as a collection of particlelike photons that follow the rules of geometric optics only as long as the. In the module to follow, you will learn about the otherphysical wave optics. In this case, the wavelike properties of light become insignificant as the objects we deal with are very huge as compared to the wavelength of light. Workshop tutorials for biological and environmental physics wr1b. Geometric and wave optics by introduce the basic principles of geometric and wave optics and appreciate the usefulness of these principles to make our life simpler and convenient. The light ray in geometrical optics is an instrument which is used to approximate models of how the light will propagate.

Geometric optics is when we treat light as a single beam a ray and study the properties. The recorded light field can then be used to computationally. Waves and optics regular waves and optics worksheets and solutions wr1b. The mathematical optics of sir william rowan hamilton. Optics describe the light propagation in terms of the light ray. When light interacts with smaller objects, it has very prominent wave characteristics, such as constructive and destructive interference. Optics physical optics wave optics quantum optics geometrical optics. Consider a wavefront wf incident on a rectangular biaxal crystal figure 4.

The wave fronts are spherical, and the direction of motion of the wave is perpendicular to the wave front, as depicted in figure. While we cannot see these extremely rapid oscillations, their wave behavior is similar to that of water waves. Geometrical optics, or ray optics, is to learn geometry of paths of lights and imagery through optical systems. In our discussions of geometric optics we completely ignored the fact that light can also behave as an electromagnetic wave. A upright, magnified and real b upright, the same size and virtual c inverted, demagnified and real d inverted, magnified and virtual. The distance between successive wave fronts is the wavelength. A upright, magnified and real b upright, the same size and virtual c inverted, demagnified. Superposition of waves, interference, optical interferometry pdf 1. It employs an array of microlenses to trade off spatial resolution against angular resolution, thereby allowing a 4d light field to be captured using a single photographic exposure without the need for scanning. In this case, we view the light wave as a ray which is always normal to the surface of the wave front. Fourier optics is a subject which exploits the wave nature of light, and therefore it is usually introduced by means of diffraction integrals 7.

Light field microscopy is a new technique for highspeed volumetric imaging of weakly scattering or fluorescent specimens. Workshop tutorials for physics waves and optics activities 185 bent pencil apparatus transparent container of water, for example a glass beaker, pencil action the students observe the pencil through side of the container. The physical optics part is more descriptive and much less rigorous only going as far as wave superposition. The ray in geometric optics is an abstraction useful for approximating the paths along which light propagates under certain circumstances. Geometrical optics 1 geometrical optics go refers to the simple ray tracing techniques that have been used for centuries at optical frequencies. The direction of propagation of a wave such as light may be changed when the. Osa besselgauss resonator with spherical output mirror. Light will be treated as the form of energy that travels in straight lines known as rays. Thus, we find it useful to picture waves and wave motion in terms of simple water. The purpose of high density rays in geometric simulation is to have. There are problems in which light must be treated as a wave with interference effects. Chapter notes geometrical optics, class 12, physics iit. Geometrical optics a light source emits light uniformly in all directions of the three.

Pdf geometrical optics analysis of atmospheric turbulence. Light is an electromagnetic disturbance, and as such is described using maxwells equations, which expresses the relationship between the electric. The figure is trying to say that electric field at a point is increasing and decreasing oscillating as the light passes by. In wave motion, the energy is carried by a disturbance of some sort. Light waves can be bent and reflected to form new and sometimes altered images. Concerning the wave optical effect for the weak gravitational lensing, interference fringe patterns in the spatial domain scattering amplitude. In geometric optics, the following statements are true for real and virtual images. The ray in geometric optics is an abstraction useful for approximating the paths along which light propagates under certain circumstances the simplifying assumptions of geometrical optics include that light rays. When an object is placed in front of a plane mirror the image is. We will instead spend most of this book making use of a simpler model of light, the ray model, which does a fine job in most practical situations. Then you come to the chapter on wave optics, and you are told that light travels as a wave, that it can bend around objects, it can diffract and interfere, etc. The observed breakup of a beam wave into patches at a receiver and the theoretical. It is possible to generate harmonics that are multiples of the frequency of laser light by using nonlinear optical materials. Bungy jumping is an increasingly popular sport, with a growing clientele of.

Optics is a foundation stone of photonics systems and applications. This book is the culmination of twentyfive years of teaching geometrical optics. The wave direction is specified by the normal to the equiphase planes rays 3. Physical optics lecture notes pdf 44p this note covers the following topics. Optics notes topics in these notes are wave properties polarization focal lengths geometrical optics i. A ray is a line that has an origin, but does not have an end. Applying the standard formalism of wave scattering problems, the. The utility of the wave surface is that it indicates a symmetry in light wave velocity about the optic axes.

Geometrical optics, or ray optics, is a model of optics that describes light propagation in terms of rays. A detailed study of the axiconbased besselgauss resonator with concave output coupler is presented. Archimedes and other ancient greek thinkers made original contributions but we mention here heron of alexandria c. Cbse class 12 wave optics full chapter by shiksha house. In this case, we view the light wave as a ray which.

Such idealized plane waves can be fairly well represented by a laser. Wave optics theory and 3d deconvolution for the light field. Second harmonic generation of a gaussian beam wave optics application id. Eikonal equations, gradient index lenses, hamiltonian optics pdf 11. If you capture sunlight in a mirror or lens you can feel the heat where the sunlight is reflectedrefracted as a real image but you cannot feel the heat where the sunlight is. Wave properties in general there are two types of waves. Geometrical optics to define the problem, geometrical optics considers a plane wave really a macroscopically narrow beam, in a medium of index n1, which has certain total energy u. Figure 41b shows the same disturbances traveling away from point a the cork as a series of successive wave fronts labeled crests and troughs. The volume is organised such that the single spherical refracting surface is the basic optical element. Geometrical optics for over 100 years, from the time of newton and huygens in the late 1600s, until 1801 when thomas young demonstrated the wave nature of light with his two slit experiment, it was not clear whether light consisted of beams of particles as proposed by newton, or was a wave phenomenon as put forward by huygens. It should be noted that this book is frequently cited in the popular hecht and zajac text for in depth derivations and discussions on geometrical optics. They should note that the pencil appears to bend at the airwater interface, and explain this apparent bending.

Drawing this figure for a light wave does not mean that light rays move up and down in the air. As the wave propagates, let us assume in the positive x direction, any point on the wave pattern is displaced by dx in a time dt see figure 1. Reflection at plane surfaces, reflection at curved surfaces, refraction at plane surface file type. This document is highly rated by class 12 students and has been viewed 21872 times. A paraxial ray analysis is performed to find the selfconsistency condition to have stable periodic. Aberration not included in final exam, supplement pedrotti chapter 20, and for your study only very few optical systems give images that are free from all defects. If you capture sunlight in a mirror or lens you can feel the heat where the sunlight is reflectedrefracted as a real image. Wave optics theory and 3d deconvolution for the light. Light rays tend to bend at the interface of two different medium where the refractive index changes. Fourier optics and its applications in optical image processing are then discussed.

We employ a technique to convert the huygensfresnel integral selfconsistency equation into a matrix equation and then find the eigenvalues and the eigenfields of the resonator at one time. Optics notes massachusetts institute of technology. In a plane wave, all points on the wavefront are in phase and oscillate together figure 22. If we also disregard the effect of edges on the light wave, we have the special case known as geometrical optics. Physics of waves and wave motion wave optics treats light as a series of propagating electric and magnetic field oscillations. In fact, the full description of light as a wave can be rather cumbersome.

This is because we observe the processes emission, reflection, scattering at a distance 10cms with bare eyes that are much longer than the wavelength of light 107. Geometrical optics via electromagnetic wave quantization. Geometrical optics optics physics experiments physics. The method of geometrical optics will not solve all problems that involve light. Wave optics in spacetimes with compact gravitating object arxiv. In geometrical optics, we formulate the propagation of light rays in terms of matrices, whereas in wave optics we formulate wave propagation using the fresnel diffraction formula, which is the solution to maxwells equations. Waves can transfer energy and momentum from one location to another without the permanent transfer of mass and serve as a mathematical model for the description of other phenomena. Basic physical optics 121 figure 41 water waves and wave fronts the bobbing cork generates a series of surface disturbances that travel outward from the cork.

As a consequence of this, light traveling through different media will be shifted in relative phase leading to some interesting phenomena. This model demonstrates second harmonic generation using transient wave simulation and nonlinear material properties. It deals with lenses, mirrors, phenomenon of total internal reflection, formation of rainbows, etc etc. Pedrotti cord waco, texas optics is the cornerstone of photonics systems and applications. What is the difference between physical optics and. Understanding how light rays can be manipulated allows us to create better contact lenses, fiber optic cables, and high powered telescopes. Assumes that light is a stream of particles called photon.

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