Nnnfree bible study on the book of jonah

Book of jonah jonah chapter 1 jonah chapter 2 jonah chapter 3 jonah chapter 4. What kind of a picture of god have we seen in the book of jonah. Full text in english of the book of jonah my jewish learning. Each of us has a story to tell, but not everyone ends up in the belly of a fish. The book of jonah is a book of the neviim prophets in the hebrew bible.

It is a well known story for obvious reasons, not least of which are a disobedient prophet, an obedient fish and a wicked nation that starts out bad, yet ends up good. This was created to assess how well you know the book. Join us as we do a bible study through 12 old testament books. But who then wrote the book and where do those intimate details of the story come from. Jonah is commanded to go east to nineveh but flees toward the westernmost possible point 1. Top 5 commentaries on the book of jonah ligonier ministries. Full text in english of the book of jonah my jewish. The book of jonah demonstrates the sovereignty of the almighty as he employs his creation to accomplish the divine plan.

Not to mention i did an old testament survey on him as well. The book of jonah tells the story of an obstinate prophet who said no to gods command to prophesy to ninevah, and fled in the opposite direction. Grace in the book of jonah sermon by wade allen, jonah 1. The book of jonah preface those of you who are familiar with the story of jonah and the whale know that jonah hopped a ship heading in the opposite direction when god commanded him to go preach to the ninevites. During this group study, you watch a video that is 3248 minutes long and discuss things from the workbook. It is so hard trying to please so many people and such a strain feeling responsible for so many. The main theme of the book of jonah is gods sovereignty over all people and his divine plan to extend his gift of mercy and salvation beyond israel to include the gentile nations. Bible study series for youth groups explores the lives of people in the bible, highlighting gods faithfulness and the extraordinary ways god calls and uses ordinary humans like us.

Jonah preceded amos and ministered under jeroboam ii, israels most powerful king 793753 b. Jonah understands the lords character, his merciful history. He chose to flee away from god rather than obey him. Its a group study where the women meet together once a week for 6090 minutes. Ninevehs repentance must have been shortlived, for it was destroyed in 612 b. And jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights. Jonah is a 7session group bible study inspired by the events in the book of jonah. While jonah eventually did what he was asked to do, the book closes with showing jonah as a bitter man. The book of jonah may be studied for many reasons, but a chief reason is for what it teaches about gods sovereignty. Well, jonah is not a story about a big fish but our big amazing god.

Now the word of the lord came unto jonah the son of amittai, saying, arise, go to nineveh, that great city, and cry against it. Introduction jonah is one of the most ridiculed books by liberal scholars. He went down to joppa, found a ship going to tarshish, paid the fare, and went down in it to go with them to tarshish. A they drew lots b jonah confessed c they guessed d they saw a vision 7 what was the crews reaction when they heard that jonah was fleeing from the living god. In the new testament, no other old testament prophet is named by jesus more than the prophet jonah. Book of jonah read, study bible verses online bible study tools. Also, select the version and then click the search the bible button.

A picture of god jonah 14, matthew 18 we have finally come to our last study of the book of jonah. Hopefully by the end of this study series you will see that it sheds great. It tells of a hebrew prophet named jonah son of amittai who is sent by god to prophesy the destruction of nineveh but tries to escape the divine mission. Jonah went at once to nineveh in accordance with the lords command. Jonah encounters pagans who are forced to consider the influence of his god 1.

Jonah running f rom god jonah running f r om g od sara leo the who, me. When the walled city was first excavated, it was found to be less than nine miles in. The book of jonah is listed among the prophetic books of the bible for that is what jonah. Jonah, whose name means dove, lived in gathhepher, located. The story of a fish swallowing a man and the man living sounds impossible, and since most liberal scholars deny the possibility of the supernatural, they reject the book of jonah as anything but a fairy tale. Although the book is written in the third person, the traditional view is that jonah is the author of the book, and there is no persuasive reason to theorize about an unknown author. The book of jonah is unique among the books of the prophets. Home bible studies the book of jonah questions for discussion jonah. God sent him to preach repentance to nineveh, the capital of assyria. Watch our overview video on the book of jonah, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought.

In this 7session bible study, priscilla redefines interruption and. It is much easier to believe the book of jonah as given than to believe their. Apr 12, 2016 watch our overview video on the book of jonah, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. The book begins with god telling jonah to go to the great city of nineveh.

Although the author of jonah is never identified in the book itself, jonah himself has traditionally been identified as the author. When we think of jonah, the first thing that comes to most peoples minds is jonah and the whale. For it begins with a commission to jonah and with jonah s refusal to heed it, in other words, the book of jonah begins with a formal expression of gods sovereign will and with a mans determined opposition. Jonah 1 kjv now the word of the lord came unto bible.

Questions for discussion jonah the living word library. Jonah is one of the most striking examples of a heart in need of expansion. This old testament book describes at least part of the ministry of a prophet called jonah, the only prophet who attempted to run away from god. Another story from the bible that many people know of is the story of jonah and the great fish. Nineveh was an enormously large city a three days walk across. Through some supernatural events, god convinced him to obey and carry out the lords plan. Jonah 1 ampc now the word of the lord came to jonah bible. T he book of jonah is an old testament story which tells about how the prophet jonah refused to follow the lord. I have learned 5 keys from the life of jonah that i want to share with you.

Unlike other old testament prophetic books, jonah is not a collection of the prophets oracles but primarily a narrative about the man. These past few months i have been doing the jonah bible study from priscilla shirer with my good friend ana. Jonah is the book of the bible we want to look at tonight. The bible is full of men and women who, despite their best efforts, suffer from a chronic lack of love. We must hold fast to the truths that jonah is one of the inspired books of the bible. The book of jonah is a subversive story about a rebellious prophet who. The word of the lord came to jonah and jonah refused. You will also remember how god provided jonah with a living submarine to get him back where he belonged. Book of jonah lesson 1 welcome to the study of the book of jonah. Interestingly enough, this is the point at which the book starts. Lets dive into the bible and find out jesus had to say about jonah. Each has a call from god and a response from jonah 1. But jonah rose up to flee unto tarshish from the presence of the lord, and went down to joppa.

What are we to make of the abrupt ending to the book of jonah. But he could not understand how god could love even foreign nations who did bad things. A free bible commentary on the book of jonah in simple english. You can find the best commentary on jonah for you using the tools on the right side. Apr 09, 2007 another story from the bible that many people know of is the story of jonah and the great fish. Navigating a life interrupted bible study book by priscilla shirer provides a personal study experience five days a week, leader helps, and viewer guides for the group video sessions of this indepth womens bible study. While jonahs time in the great fish may be the most famous part of the book. Jonah free bible commentary in easy english easyenglish bible. Read and study jonah 1 with the versebyverse bible commentary. The book of jonah has become a controversial subject in some circles. The only times that the name occurs in the bible are in this reference in 2 kings, in the book of jonah itself, and in the new testament references to that book. Jonah is identified as a prophet and servant of god during the reign of king jeroboam ii of israel 2 kings 14.

While we wont board a boat to flee halfway across the world like the old. Jonah is forced into a confrontation with god because of his attitudes 1. Jonah started out and made his way into the city the distance of one days walk, and proclaimed. For it begins with a commission to jonah and with jonahs refusal to heed it, in other words, the book of jonah begins with a formal expression of gods sovereign will and with a mans determined opposition.

Recently i had the opportunity to teach on jonah and nahum, two minor prophets with powerful messages about gods character. In the top box type the book of the bible and the chapter e. We read nowhere in the book that jonah confessed his sin and received a new heart. Have you ever found yourself wanting to turn and run away rather. Jonah was an unwilling prophet given an assignment which he found displeasing. Well have it back up and running as soon as possible. He prophesied during the days when assyria was threatening the northern kingdom, israel. The book depicts the larger scope of gods purpose for israel. Please read our guideline on how to lead a bible study before starting.

Jonah is the book of the bible which perhaps has been criticized more than any. This did not mean, however, that jonah remained the same. Literary characteristics unlike most other prophetic parts of the ot, this book is a narrative account of a single prophetic mission. Learn more about jonah and, more importantly, how jonah points toward christ, with these free downloadable study questions. The book of jonah recounts real events in the life and ministry of the prophet himself.

The name jonah means dove in hebrew, but jonahs character is anything but dovelike. For the ot only the kjv, and niv versions have voice available in real player. Book of jonah, the fifth of 12 old testament books that bear the names of the minor prophets, embraced in a single book, the twelve, in the jewish canon. The book of jonah, or more accurately, the story of jonah is so well known that we can sometimes skip over it and ignore what the true message of the book of jonah is. Concern for the salvation of all people, including ones enemies, is the proper attitude for people of god. The book is replete with irony, wherein much of its humor lies. The gloss on jonah relies almost exclusively on jeromes commentary on jonah c. The book of jonah was likely written between 793 and 758 b. It is quite interesting in this regard to compare the case of jonah with another of the prophets, obadiah. There is only one jonah in the bible, and he is an historical person. Set in the reign of jeroboam ii 786746 bc, it was probably written in the postexilic period, some time between the late 5th to early 4th century bc. He knows the lord has been faithful to the israelites and to him as an individual.

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